About Lala Naghizada
Lala was born and raised in Baku, Azerbaijan. With her husband and two teenage daughters, they immigrated to Canada when she was in her 40s.
Not being able to speak English at that time, the move was quite challenging for her. However, her deep desire to work as a piano teacher gave her the strength to overcome any obstacles.
Being a positive person, and an extravert, soon she was able to start working within the retired Russian community as a choir leader and conductor, as well as, taking many odd jobs. As soon as her English was good enough she began teaching piano.
Today, she has been an immigrant for 18 years, a piano teacher for 45 years and married for 37 years. Both her daughters are entrepreneurs with successful business ventures. Her daughter, Mimi Ikonn, is an influencer with over 1M followers on Instagram and is the co-creator of the Five minute journal.
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